Doctors specializing in Endocrinology
in Cosenza

At the Federico Radiology Clinic in Cosenza you can book endocrinology visits: call, send an email to our address or fill out the form found in the contact section and make an appointment.
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Endocrinological visit

The endocrinology visit analyzes the state of health of the glands and reveals any hormonal disorders.The visit allows you to find any pathologies caused by hormonal dysfunctions, by the poor functioning of the endocrine glands: the hormones they secrete, in fact, are responsible for the metabolism and activity of organs and tissues.

Any malfunctions can cause pathologies affecting the thyroid, pituitary gland, gonads (testis in men and ovary in women), the adrenal glands or the pancreas. They can also be a prelude to osteoporosis, sexual disorders or diabetes mellitus.

Endocrinological performance

At the Federico Radiology Clinic the following are performed:

• Specialistic examinations
• Thyroid ultrasound
• Color Doppler ultrasound
• Cytological and laboratory tests
• Ketogenic diets
• Diabetic visits
• Other specialist tests

Do not hesitate to contact us and make an appointment for an endocrinology visit, if necessary: call, write an email or fill out the contact form.
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