Forms for preparing for diagnostic tests

In this section of the site, you can find some instructions and forms for the diagnostic tests you need to carry out, among those available at the Federico Radiology Clinic in Cosenza.We operate with professionalism and efficiency, guaranteeing scrupulous, accurate examinations conducted by highly competent medical staff. For further information on exams, preparations and reservations, do not hesitate to contact us.
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Documents necessary for diagnostic tests

Before carrying out diagnostic tests, you must remember to bring with you your health card and an identity document, which are necessary to carry out the various tests. In the case of tests affiliated with the National Health Service, you will have to report to the desk if you have exemptions.On the day of the exam, you are then invited to show up a few minutes before the appointment time, in order to process all the acceptance paperwork and fill in the forms for the diagnostic tests. At the counter you will also be shown the reference date for collecting the results. When booking an ultrasound, X-ray or CT scan, you will be shown the conditions necessary for you to carry out the exam.

Information for CT scan with contrast medium

To perform a CT scan with contrast medium, the following tests are required:
AST, ALT. Blood sugar, Sodium, Potassium, Azotemia, Creatinemia, QSP, Bence-Jones Proteinuria, Electrocardiogram.
You will also need to be fasting for 6 hours from solid foods.
If you have allergies, you will need to contact your GP for any anti-allergy preparation.
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Exam bookings

Book by filling out the form.
We will contact you as soon as possible to complete your booking and provide you with the date and time for your diagnostic test or specialist visit.

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